Welcome to our gallery....a site that will grow and change as we do. Here we explore images and ideas on a variety of subjects. You will find essays related to the craft of letterpress printing, and writings about how we human beings relate to ourselves and our world. The images also cover a wide territory; all captured our interest and imagination in the moment. We hope you will enjoy wandering here with us.

Eros & The Admiral
These two inspiring creatures of flightâ€"one a sculpture by New Mexican artist, Gary Dryzmala, the other, a remarkable phoebe (his story is presented in our Books section) came together in my own flight of fantasy.

Healing September 11
Working with these images helped me to heal from the trauma of September 11, and to send prayers for those who suffered most deeply. The skyscrapers were photographed in my favorite city, San Francisco.

As we prepared to make war on Iraq, a prayer for peace with millions of others around the world.

Rilke on Suffering
Fear not sufferingâ€"the sadness
Give it back to the weight of the Earth.
The mountains are heavy, heavy the oceans.
Ah, but the breezes, ah, but the spacesâ€"
Give it back to the weight of the Earth.
The mountains are heavy, heavy the oceans.
Ah, but the breezes, ah, but the spacesâ€"

On Leaves & Faith
This poem by African American poet, Lucille Clifton, found its way into a brilliant New Mexican autumn.

My Horse's Eye
There is so much to see!

Fountain Swords
I was exploring how beautifully the thrusting, active, masculine energy danced with the soft power of feminine energy. The "sword" is one of several spectacular fountains at Buchart Gardens, Victoria, B.C.

Grand Canyon
I was looking for a way to tell about this much-photographed wonder of nature in a new wayâ€"a way between art and journalism.

The First All-Snow Bicycle
Bikes have been an important part of my life. They have taken me to places in America, and into my own inner world, I never imagined I would travel to. But until Photoshop came along, I never thoght I could build my own bicycle. This one is made from 100% pure New Mexican snow. It is best suited for very cold climates where the temperature never gets above 32 degrees F.

Modern Mystics
Mindfully multi-tasking…