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Bicycling Home, My Journey to Find God

By Virginia Mudd

This is a book about my spiritual journey, a story of mystery, adventure and love. My journey Home began when I was grappling with a food addiction. In my struggle I started to confront hard questions like, what makes me tick (and eat compulsively)? Who am I? What is the purpose of my being here on earth? Will I ever stop feeling that there is something missing in my life? My search to find answers also led to an agonizing longing for what I called God, even though I had no idea what or who I was looking for. In my search I traveled over 10,000 miles on my bike and countless inner miles of discovery and transformation till at last, after ten years, I found my heart's desire.

I hope wherever you are on your path that this story will be inspiring, informative, and enjoyable. I invite you to visit my website where you can read the first chapter, and where I share my continued journey with resources, reflections, wisdom sayings, photographs, and more.

Signed copy
242 pages, 30 photographs
Read Chapter 1 on my website

Across America on the Yellow Brick Road

by Virginia Mudd

Imagine reading a "Cycling Companion Wanted" ad in a bicycling newsletter for a cross-America bike trip, answering it, and setting off two months later with a woman you just met for a 3,500-mile, 60-day journey from California to Washington, D.C. Taken from my journal this tells the story of two twenty-nine year old adventurers who fulfill a common dream. I recall exhilarating roads and landscapes, tedious miles, peaceful times, scary experiences, personal struggles, wonderful encounters with people, and the unfolding of a journey of a lifetime.

Signed copy
150 pages, 25 illustrations

Books > If You Seek a Heavenly Light

If you seek a heavenly light
I, Solitude, am your professor:
I go before you into emptiness,
Raise strange suns for
your new mornings,
Open the secret windows
Of your innermost apartments.

When I, loneliness, give my special signal
Follow my silence, follow where I beckon:
Fear not, little beast, little spirit,
(Thou word & animal)
I, Solitude, am Angel
And have prayed in your name.

Look at the empty, wealthy night, The pilgrim moon!
I am the appointed hour,
The â€~nowâ€TM that cuts Time like a blade.

I am the unexpected flash beyond â€~yesâ€TM and â€~noâ€TM,
The forerunner of the Word of God.

Follow my ways and I will lead you
To golden-haired suns,
Logos and music, blameless joys,
Innocent of questions
And beyond answers.

For I, Solitude, am thine own Self:
I, Nothingness, am Thy All.
I Silence, am thy â€~Amenâ€TM.
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